The "doorways" of plot are transitions into different stages of the novel. We started with our "inciting incident." We developed our characters and built the tension. Now we need to advance the plot beyond the characters' comfort zone so we can test them--squeeze out every drop of their humanity.
I prefer to think of this and the later doorways as "windows of opportunity." I can use them to force the character forward, but also to make him human. I want my window to not only push him into the plot, but also to test his mettle--and make him climb out in a way that isn't so easy. There isn't a door--he has to MAKE one.
For example, in my artist mystery, the Lead walks into a murder scene just before it burns. She's uncomfortable, annoyed when the cops take her painting of the crime scene, but she can move on without much disturbance in her life--until The First Window.
A man in a ski mask invades her apartment and tries to kidnap her. There's a gunfight between the masked man and her next door neighbor. The Lead is scared, but she COULD move away, get a big dog or a bigger roommate. She finds out that the masked man was after her ex-boyfriend who stole $3 million dollars from a dirty banker's slush fund. The banker's henchmen are after her EX and their only lead is, well, the LEAD--but she could STILL run away.
Until the First Window.
Now we triple-slam a wrecking ball through her personal firewall. Someone-she-loves-deeply gets murdered. Her best friend is arrested for both murders. Her ex shows up--with stolen millions in tow--wanting to reunite. Plus the FBI asks her to spy on all of them. They will either put her in jail or she has to become a snitch. Moving forward becomes a matter of love, integrity, and patriotism ... and you could say blackmail on the part of the FBI. She truly cannot run away.
But how can we make this more dangerous for her? Start with love. Sure, she's over her ex, but it's complicated. Most exes ARE complicated. They're a great plot device as long as your Lead isn't pining over the ex. That's annoying.
Now let's talk integrity. She wants to help clear her best friend, but she has to invade his privacy plus that of many other friends to do it. Spying feels much more like betrayal than loyalty. What's going to happen when they find out she snitched on them--to save them?
And patriotism? Well, that's a hard call when your country is at odds with your community. Her counter-cultural artist town has plenty of average Joes whose behavior tiptoes over the legal line. The FBI could arrest most of them at first exposure.
Can you see where I'm going with this? I'm testing her on every level, poor girl. She can't go back to her old life without getting kidnapped or put in custody. She wants to help her friend and protect the rest of the people she loves--but it's going to wrench her emotionally to do it. Now throw in an angry drug cartel and an attraction to an FBI agent and you get a truly dangerous window of opportunity.
Which way is up?
Today your assignment is simple: Take your first "doorway" and transform it into a Dangerous Window of Opportunity. Make 'em climb through.